Welcome to the Building Between effort.
We are working hard to gather the best experts and providers of green, new and innovative trades and technology- and to share better building design and resources with you! This effort is called Eco-Innovation!
We envision homes that respect the habitats and environments where they are situated; homes that are healthy for humans and wildlife too. Homes that have a smaller carbon and ecological footprint, and are easier and cheaper to heat and cool, and are more durable and sensible than typical builds. We envision living in harmony with nature and homes that are sensitive to the unique nature of Ontario’s Highlands.
As of 2020 a new team has gathered to develop the Eco-Innovation Centre Cooperative- an online marketing hub to bring new and local products, skills and ideas to your door. The virtual hub will feature tradesmen, educational tools and videos, and a referral system so that you can access what you need to build, renovate, improve or maintain your home.
Stay tuned as we develop this initiative in order to bring the best to you.